We have successfully identified security vulnerabilities in operating systems, commercial and open-source code, popular CCTV systems, web applications and websites of Fortune 500 companies (including Microsoft, Yahoo, Oracle and others). Learn more about RAS-IT Research >
With the growth of the size and complexity of information systems it becomes imperative that companies or organizations adequately protect their systems. There is also a clear perception of the risks to which they are exposed.
The awareness of the importance of online and offline data protection is rapidly increasing due to the need to act according to GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation. Being thorough about detecting vulnerabilities and malfunctions and solving them has stopped being a matter of choice. Our methodologies and solutions are being combined and used in a way that enables us to fulfill all the requirements established by GDPR.
With each passing day new vulnerabilities emerge. Those vulnerabilities usually originate in programming errors, misconfiguration or human failures.
RAS-IT offers a range of cyber security services such as penetration testing, vulnerability assessment and digital forensics.

Get a detailed insight into the existing state of security of your network infrastructure, systems and applications.

Our team uses a methodological approach for testing security systems. Its basis is a combination of the internationally recognized frameworks: The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES).

We are transparent regarding tools and methodologies we use for running security scans. All tests are being conducted according to previously agreed strategy, which gives our clients a clear insight in what we do. We aim to obtain a realistic impression of systems security level and all of its possible flaws, which results in repairing them and securing data.
We differentiate ourselves from other security analysts by combining broad-spectrum test methodologies with high professional competence, which translates into the ability to consistently deliver the highest quality. We also perform security tests with high levels of efficiency, while simultaneously
discovering new and known vulnerabilities.